Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Human Progress (?)

A stirring example of the speed of human progress – the technology view:

1903 Orville & Wilbur Wright stay aloft for 59 seconds

1927 Charles Lindbergh flies across the Atlantic in 34 hours

1969 Neil Armstrong walks on the moon

A stirring example of the speed of human progress – the developmental view:

50,000 years ago: the human search for meaning begins; males of the species find it difficult to admit being wrong

2,500 years ago: the human search for meaning continues; males of the species find it difficult to admit being wrong

Today: the human search for meaning continues; males of the species find it difficult to admit being wrong.

If we hide behind our work, our technology, our stuff, we surely forget where to find real meaning in our lives. Say "I'm sorry" today, forgive someone today, have a real conversation today. You won't regret it.


  1. You know I love this.

    Not JUST the males of the species, eh? I mean, I love picking on dudes as much as the next guy (gal) but for sure, this is a human issue.

    Why is it so hard to admit error? So difficult to be vulnerable? So painful to say "I'm sorry"? Sometimes I think we are so terribly concerned with the image we are maintaining that we forget about the real person.

    Real people say "I'm sorry"
    Real people admit failure
    Real people confess when they don't know the meaning of a big word or when they spy a naked emperor.

    But if all I am concerned about is what YOU think of me ... I can't do any of those things. I can only pull energy and wholeness from the true me in order to boost up the concocted me I'm trying to show everyone.

    Image management - so exhausting. I need to write about this.

    Thanks for the great post!

  2. Great insight on how far we have come and how we have not progressed at all. Good reminder that we are, after all, part of the animal kingdom. What is the right balance of change versus accepting who and what we are.
