Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I Play Guitar
I have been a vocalist since the age of 14 when my big sister dragged me into the high school choir room and presented me to the director. I am so glad she did that because it allowed me to discover my musical ability in the form of singing. And, my life has been richly blessed because of music and my involvement in many different choral groups. What has always been missing, what I have always wanted and never had the motivation, discipline or commitment to tackle, is learning an instrument. I always thought it would be piano but here I am, a guitarist.
Now, let me be clear. I didn't say anything about my ability, just that I now "play." You see, I am a beginner. Big time. I know a few chords (the hand positions, not the names, from when a friend tried to teach me "What I Like About You") and my musically prodigious son has even got me playing a little bit of "Smoke On the Water." Of course, that's not what I'm after. I really want to play this thing and it's all because of this video I stumbled across on YouTube. Check it out:
When I first saw and heard this, I knew I had to learn it. Sure, I can sing it but I want to play it! And so I decided that by my 40th birthday (April 6, 2010) I will play and sing "You Can Close Your Eyes." I love this goal, it scares the hell out of me and I know I can do it.
I bought a used guitar from a friend. I have a capo, a strap and a pick. My first lesson is tonight. And I am a beginner.
You are invited to take this journey with me...please stay tuned.
Friday, November 6, 2009
incubate a symphony of delicate power

I wandered into a colleague's office today and after a little Friday afternoon banter she pulled out an unopened box of magnetic poetry. You've seen this, right? Lots of words on magnetic backing that you can separate and rearrange into whatever playful, mischievous, mysterious, meaningful or nonsense order you want. So we started messing with it and she told me I had to take some with me. So, I decided to put a quote together that I could put on my office cabinet. I came up with this:
"incubate a symphony of delicate power"
Now, perhaps I am guilty of always looking for ways to express what's most prevalent on my mind (as opposed to something more nonsensical and silly) and in this case it just felt right to grab a few words that speak to what we are trying achieve in our organization. A little magnetic reminder of our aspiration.
To incubate is to get ready and prepare. To cultivate with protective care the thing that you hope to birth into the world so that it will survive and thrive.
A symphony (literally, "sounding together") is a collection of individual musicians who have an implicit contract with one another and their leader to play in concert with the whole. Their individual expertise is heightened through their commitment and connection to one another. The whole is the sum of the parts.
Delicate is gentle, thoughtful, careful and considerate. It is curious and imaginative, open and tentative. It is fragile and requires great care. It is refined and restrained.
Power is strength, focus and determination. It is commitment, resolve and belief. It is decisive, focused and clear. It is movement and energy.
We must "sound together," from a powerful stance of belief and committed action, considering the delicate humanity of every individual, to bring to life an organization of meaning, learning and significant contribution.
All this from wandering the halls on a Friday afternoon.
Aimlessness certainly has its place.